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We're very early and most of this is subject to change, but we'd love your help!

If you want to dev on the repo follow these instructions!

What's inside?

This a Turborepo monorepo of tooling for Typescript developers building LLM apps.

It uses pnpm as a package manager and includes the following packages/apps:

  • packages/promptable: The Promptable Library for building LLM apps in Typescript / Javascript!
  • examples: Examples using the Promptable.js library!
  • apps/docs: The Promptable.js Docs
  • apps/web: A nextjs app for visualizing Promptable.js steps.

Install and Run

Then to install run (at the root)

pnpm i

To install package in a single workspace

pnpm i <package> --filter <workspace>

First copy the apps/web/.env.example file to apps/web/.env.

Then, To develop all apps and packages, run the following command:

cd my-turborepo
pnpm run dev

This will start watching the files for changes.


In apps/web you'll find the nextjs app for visualizing Promptable.js Traces.

TODO: more info