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npm i promptable

Provider Setup

If you want to use a Model Provider like OpenAI, you must first create an api key.

Create your api key:

Create a OpenAI API Key

Once you have it, you can configure promptable by creating a .env file in the root of your project and adding your provider's API key to it.

OPENAI_API_KEY=<your api key>


Importing the library:

import * as p from "@promptable/promptable";

Create a model provider

const provider = new p.OpenAI(apiKey);

Create a prompt

const writePoemPrompt = new p.Prompt(
// your instructions go here
"Write a poem about {{topic}}:".trim(),
// variable names go here

Format the prompt with your variables

const text = writePoemPrompt.format({
topic: "hi",

Count tokens in text

const tokensUsed = provider.countTokens(text);

Generate text completions!

const response = await provider.generate(text);

// Or stream the response!
await, (chunk: string) => {

Using Embeddings

import * as p from "@promptable/promptable";

// Create a model provider!
const provider = new p.OpenAI(apiKey);

// Load documents
const filepath = "./data/startup-mistakes.txt";
const loader = new p.FileLoader(filepath);
let docs = await loader.load();

// Split documents into chunks
const splitter = new p.CharacterTextSplitter("\n");
docs = splitter.splitDocuments(docs, {
chunk: true,
chunkSize: 1000, // tokens :)

// Create embeddings
const embeddings = new p.Embeddings(provider, documents);
await embeddings.index();

// Query embeddings
embeddings.query("startup mistakes");


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