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Prompts are utility classes for formatting text for Text Generation. They allow you to create templates for your inputs, and they allow you to parse the outputs.

Creating a Prompt

const openai = new OpenAI(apiKey);

const writePoemPrompt = new Prompt(
// your instructions go here
"Write a poem about {{topic}}:".trim(),
// variable names go here

Generating Text using a Prompt

// format the prompt with your variables
const promptText = writePoemPrompt.format({
topic: "hi",

const poem = await openai.generate(promptText);

Parsing Outputs

You can parse a prompt to get the variables.

const promptText = prompt.format({
type: `{
meeting_type: string,
Date: Date,
Location: string,
invitee_name: string,
invitee_email: string,

const json = await openai.generate(promptText);

const output = prompt.parse(json);

Prebuilt Prompts

Promptable comes with a few prebuilt prompts that you can use.

import { prompts } from "@promptable/promptable";

const qaPrompt = prompts.QA();
const extractTextPrompt = prompts.extractText();
const extractJSONPrompt = prompts.extractJSON();
const summarizePrompt = prompts.summarize();